Sur les cendres du vieux monde
A film by Laurent Hasse, 2001-
Genre: Documentary
Languages: French
Running time: 52 min
Countries: France, Luxembourg
Year: 2001
-I remember a happy childhood in a region which already at that time could not be considered as a region any more.
Though at that time I was still a child. And only a child. I had different concerns.
I remember a moribund region which was raising its own children in the living memories of a powerful industry which was already on its way out. These weren’t lies, but blinkers.
I remember thus that I wanted to leave,
Leave fast,
Leave far away,
Leave…for good?
-Director: Laurent Hasse
Image: Laurent Hasse
Sound: Marc Nouyrigat, Xavier Griette, Christian Lamalle.
Editing: Matthieu Augustin, Sophie Dolivet
Music: Rodolphe Burger
A coproduction ARTE France, Iskra, Carré Noir RTBF, Tarantula, Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles, Sombrero Productions.
With the support of Centre National du Cinéma, Fonds d’Action Sociale, Procirep, Délégation Interministérielle à la Ville.
And Film Fund Luxembourg, Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté Française de Belgique.